Feather Lines; Whiting | Metz | Keough | Ewing | Collins | Darbee | RIR | Indian Necks | CDL | Bugger | Muskie | Variants

Coq de Leon

Dating back to 1624, Coq de Leon, or the "rooster of Leon" is the oldest line of birds bred for their feathers.

There are two distict lines. "Pardo" or the brown line is a larger bird and the feathers are marked with fine speckling. The other is refered to in the literature as "indio", or indian line. The feathers are grey, or steel color, and lack the speckling

Both lines are divided into subgroups. However, the colors are so close that defining the charactoristics becomes complicated.


Coq de Leon

Pardo refers to the speckling. Tied in as a tail, the speckling on each fiber look exactly like a mayfly tail.

Just starting out, the best buy is the tailing packs for $15. You'll have feathers to tie 100's of flies. For smaller flies, try the mayfly packs. Don't tie that many of a certain color, try the 12 feather bundles in those colors. For streamer feathers try the streamer patches. Want both, then go with the 1/2 of full saddles.

The soft hackle is the best. The fine mottled speckled pattern gives your fly a "buggy" look. If you're tying down to some smaller sizes get a cape. Brown specked is the most popuar. The saddles are mostly larger sizes and come in a wide color selection.


Tailing Packs

These patches are taken from the shoulders of the rooster. They have been bred to have long stiff fibers perfect for tailing. For smaller flies, try the mayfly packs. They come in a wide range of colors to match any pattern you might be tying.

    Coq de Leon Tailing Packs  
<dry fly saddles>  

Long stiff fibers, the perfect tailing for dry flies. The "Mayfly" tailing packs are a bit stiffer and better for smaller patterns.

Natural and Dyed

pardo dark light rubio olive blue dun negrisco


Coq de Leon Tailing Packs - Shoulder / $25

To order, select a color;
Mayfly Packs - $15

To order, select a color;





    Coq de Leon Feather Bundles  
<dry fly saddles>  

12 select tailing feathers available in the colors listed here as well as the colors pictured in the saddle gallery below.

Natural and Dyed

pardo dark pardo light pardo rubio olive brown cream
indio dark indio light indio golden olive golden brown burnt orange copper
palmenta negrisco claret dun dark dun light dun silver



Coq de Leon Tailing Packs - 12 feathers / $9.75

To order, select a color;



Rooster Saddles

The saddle feathers on these birds are a bit more versitle. Twords the top of the saddle you'll find shorter feathers for tailing. As you get down the saddle, the feathers get much longer and can be used for both palmering larger flies and tying streamer patterns.

The first selection below is of unpackaged show pelts that grade out between a bronze and a silver. Here you will find the widest range of colors. If you're looking for a pelt graded and packaged at the farm, check out the 2nd gallery.



Saddle Patches - Select Tailing Feathers $15  

Don't need a whole saddle? Here you can get more colors for your money. These patches have been selected for feathers with long stiff fibers.




Coq de Leon Saddle Patches - $15

To order, choose a color;






Whiting Coq de Leon Saddle / Silver $15  

Natural Black

Nothing beats these feathers for tails and legs on any pattern you may be tying. The color is as close to the real thing as you'll find.

Dating back to 1624, Coq de Leon, or the "rooster of Leon" is the oldest line of birds bred for their feathers.

The beautiful long speckled fibers are stiff, almost having a glassy look.



And as always, FREE SHIPPING


Coq de Leon Saddle -$15




To check out, click the "view cart" button





Rooster Capes

If you go on youtube you will find some interesting patterns that call for the cape feathers. The stem is a bit stiffer and the barbs are stiff like the rest of the bird making for great tailing, palmering, and streamer material. Check out the silver badger and some of the dyed colors!

    Coq de Leon Rooster Capes  
<dry fly saddles>  

Check the drop-down menu for availability. Please call for colors not listed.

Natural and Dyed

pardo dark pardo light
indio dun black white
brown olive copper br olive burnt org g olive salmon

High Visability Colors

red yellow chartruese chartruese kingfisher pink purple



Coq de Leon Rooster Cape / $35

To order, select a color;

Coq de Leon Rooster 1/2 Cape / $19.50

To order, select a color;




Coq de Leon Streamer Feathers $15  

Coq de Leon

The fly pictured here is a very old pattern tied by Tom Ehlert. Although a bit faded, it is one of the most elegant I've seen.

Coq de Leon color varies from dark pardo, to cream, to a silver badger.

These large, long beautiful feathers are ideal for streamer patterns. As you can see in the picture, the shape and lenght is perfect.

Each pack includes 30 to 50 feathers, 3" to 5" long.

Rather than showing picures of all the different colors, please refer to the pictures listed above in the saddle gallery.


Coq de Leon Saddle Patches - $15

To order, choose a color;






Coq de Leon Hen Feathers

Dating back to 1624, Coq de Leon, or the "rooster of Leon" is the oldest line of birds bred for their feathers. The beautiful long speckled fibers are stiff, almost having a glassy look.

There are two distict lines. "Pardo" or the brown line is a larger bird and the feathers are marked with fine speckling. The other is refered to in the literature as "indio", or indian line. The feathers are grey, or steel color, and lack the speckling


***To see the complete selection of soft hackle on offer by Whiting Farms, please visit the following pages; Whiting Hen Capes, Whiting Hen Saddles, and Whiting Soft Hackle with Chickabou.


***Presently there is a shortage of CDL hen capes. The dyed colors are not available at the moment. If you would like one of the dyed colors, please contact me and I'll look into getting one for you. As they come in I will post them first on the "Just In" page, thanks!

    Coq de Leon Hen Capes  
<dry fly saddles>  

Check the drop-down menu for availability. Please call for colors not listed.

Natural and Dyed

brown speckled silver speckled dark speckled dun rubio black white
olive brown golden olive golden brown claret burnt orange copper


Coq de Leon Hen Cape / $30

To order, select a color;



***Presently there is a shortage of CDL hen saddles. The dyed colors are not available at the moment. If you would like one of the dyed colors, please contact me and I'll look into getting one for you. As they come in I will post them first on the "Just In" page, thanks!

    Coq de Leon Hen Saddles  
<dry fly saddles>  

Check the drop-down menu for availability. Please call for colors not listed.

Natural and Dyed Colors

dark light brown olive golden brown burnt orange
red yellow orange chartruse purple hot pink claret


Coq de Leon Hen Saddles / $35

To order, select a color;



***Presently there is a shortage of CDL soft hackle with chickabou. The dyed colors and rooster are not available at the moment. If you would like one of the dyed colors, please contact me and I'll look into getting one for you. As they come in I will post them first on the "Just In" page, thanks!

    Soft Hackle with Chicabou  
<dry fly saddles>  

Check the drop-down menu for availability. Please call for colors not listed.


brown speckled silver speckled dark rubio straw claret white
brown olive golden brown golden olive brown olive burnt orange copper
red yellow orange chartruse blue pink purple


R #1 R #2 R #3 R #4 R #5 R #6 R #7


Coq de Leon Soft Hackle with Chicabou / $25

To order, select a color;






"No Questions Asked" Return Policy

If you order feathers from me and are not happy for whatever reason, please contact me right away and I will resolve the problem. I don't want you to be unhappy with anything you purchase.

Thanks, David 608-332-4220









Whiting Feather Lines

- Links -


<dry fly hackle>


whiting hen hackle


whiting american hackle


whiting american hackle


whiting american hackle




CDL Feather Applications

Tied by
Franco Vaccarino


The long stiff fibers make for perfect winging materials. The body is wraped with cape hackle.


Dry fly hackle in sizes 6's and 8's is hard to find today. The barbs on Coq de Leon saddles are ideal for these large sizes.


The wings on this pattern are tied with CDL hen saddle feathers. The head is CDL rooster cape trimmed to give it that spicky look.




Coq de Leon Rooster




Long stiff fibers perfect for throats



Saddle Patches


From Dyed to Natural




CDL Feather Type


Saddle Feathers




Rooster Cape Feathers




Shoulder Feathers










Hen Feathers


Hen Neck Feather



Hen Saddle Feather


Matuka feather



Chickabou feather






Whiting Hackle Gauge


Tying Bench




Dark Ginger