Soft Hackle
Soft hackle feathers from left to right; | |
1. Hen cape - grizzly 2. Hen - silver badger 3. Hen Cape - furnace 4. Snipe - body 5. Common Starling 6. Mallard Shoulder 7. Partridage |
8. Woodcock - underwing 9. Woodcock - overwing 10. Golden Pheasant 11. Hen Saddle - brown 12. Hen Saddle - grizzly 13. Hen Saddle - dun 14. Snipe - underwing |
How many feathers can you identify?
Feathers for Tying Soft Hackle Flies
The feathers for tying soft hackle flies come from upland game birds. These include partridge, grouse, pheasant, starling, quail, and woodcock.
So many of the feathers that are called for in the classic soft hackle patterns are protected and off limits to the fly tier. Hen feathers from different breeds of chickens have been bred to provide perfect substitutes both in color and texture.
I've tried to offer a wide variety of soft hackle on this page. For those of you just getting started, I've put together a starter kit for students taking the Trout Unlimited tying classes.
Soft Hackle Feather Collection | $100 | ||||
Here are the feathers to tie just about every soft hackle pattern. Kit includes: Starling skin Turkey Tails Pheasant Tails Wood Duck Flank Brown Hen Neck Mottled Turkey Hungarian Partridge Skin Golden Pheasant Tippets Soft Hackle - Olive, Grizzly, Dun Marabou - Olive and Black Peacock Sticks and Swords Goose Biots - Brown Hen Pheasant Wing Quills Mallard Wing Quills CDC
Partridge skins are perhaps the most versatile of all soft hackle materials. A quality skin can last for years.
Neck feathers are beautifully speckled and range in color from silvery grey to medium brown. The lower back feathers are speckled light to dark brown. Both are very effect at imitating the segmentation of insect legs.
Marginal covert feathers along the leading edge of each wing near the shoulder are very webby and mottled from light to dark. They make excellent soft hackle collars on spider-type flies, even in small sizes.
Hungarian Partridge | $60.00 | ||||
The fly tier should not be without a couple of good skins at their disposal. These birds are skined with the wings on. ***These are game farm raised birds and selected for the finest feather quality. Pictured and offered here is a grade #1 select. I also carry 1/2 skins and skins from Wapsi and Natures Spirit, to order, please visit my page; Hungarian Partridge.
***Only Available to US customers!
Grade #1 Select / $60
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Useful feathers are found throughout a starling skin. The body feathers are glossy and dark, varying in color from dark dun to almost black. Many starling feathers sport a beautiful green or purple iridescent sheen.
The body and head feathers have long stems and short barbs, which makes them suitable as soft hackles down to about size #20. Marginal covert feathers of starling wings will tie even smaller.
Feathers from the underside of starling wings are a beautiful medium dun color. Starling feathers are commonly used as a substitute for many difficult to obtain feathers of the classic literature, such as jackdaw, moorhen, coot, blackbird, and dotterel.
Common Starling | $12.95 | |
Also known as the "poor man's Junglecock", these beautiful feathers are a must have for anyone tying and fishing soft hackle flys. The feather stems are stronger than one would think making wrapping them easier than other soft hackle materials. The variety of sizes available on this bird assure the tier that blue wing olive soft hackle emergers down to size 24 are possible. Wet fly wings can be made from the wing primaries. These used to be a lot cheaper, but as with most everything, no one wants to work and prices have gone crazy.
***Only Available to US customers!
Full Skin / $12.95 | ||
Body and rump feathers of English snipe skins are nicely mottled of ginger and medium to dark dun.
Marginal covert feathers of the wings, which are also mixed ginger and dun, are use for the famous Snipe and Purple soft-hackled fly.
As with starling, feathers on the underside of the wing are much lighter than those on the upper surface. The barring is unique to this feather. Body feathers of snipe can be substituted for golden plover in classic recipes.
European Snipe | Call for pricing | |
Body and rump feathers of English snipe skins are nicely mottled of ginger and medium to dark dun.
Full Skin with Head / $
Full Skin without Head / $
Wings / $ |
Woodcock wings have beautifully marbled ginger and dun coloring. Marginal covert feathers, taken from the leading edge of the wing near the shoulder area, make excellent soft hackle collars.
The barbs are of nearly uniform length, and the stems are sufficiently long to allow one or two wraps around a hook shank.
Feathers of the underside of the wing are more sandy-buff color mottled with medium dun. Woodcock wings are good substitutes for bobwhite quail wings, and vice-versa.
European Woodcock Wings - Out of Stock | 25.00 | |
Woodcock wings have beautifully marbled ginger and dun coloring. Marginal covert feathers, taken from the The barbs are of nearly uniform length, and the stems are sufficiently long to allow one or two wraps around a hook shank. Feathers of the underside of the wing are more sandy-buff color mottled with medium dun. Woodcock wings are good substitutes for bobwhite quail wings, and vice-versa.
Wings / $25 pair |
Whiting Soft Hackle Hen Feathers
Many old soft-hackle patterns call for material no longer available. Species such as snipe and plover are protected under US Fish and Wildlife laws. The good news is that these hens offer a wide range of colors and fiber lengh perfect for tying these flies.
So which to buy? Cape or Saddle? Hen capes offer the widest choice in sizes and colors . The feathers are long and narrow yet soft. One of the benefits of a hen cape is that the smaller sizes on the top of the neck have a stem long enough to give you a few wraps -even on the smallest of flys.
Hen Saddles on the other hand are a larger feather with rounded tips and a bit softer. Generally, you will only find a few sizes on a saddle. The fiber lengh is longer and a bit heavier than neck feather and when used as a collar, it gives the fly a nice full look.
Whiting Hen Capes | $30 | |
The soft webby feathers on these hen capes quickly absorb water, keeping your fly below the surface.
One of the benefits of a hen cape is that the smaller sizes on the top of the neck have a stem long enough to give you a few wraps - even on the smallest of flys. To see the complete offering of colors, please visit my page; Whiting Soft Hackle Hen Capes.
Best Selling Colors / $30 | ||
Whiting 4B Hen Cape | $20 | ||||
With the ever increasing demand for large webby feathers Dr. Whiting began work on the 4B line.
Available not only in a host of natural colors, Whiting also offers these in high vis colors from red to kingfisher blue. The natural colors are perfect for so many patters. Palmered around a hook, the black center on the furnace capes give the illusion of a false thorax. When the trout strikes at it, there is nothing but hook! You can order here or to see the complete offering of colors and other Whiting hen capes, please visit my page; Whiting Soft Hackle Hen Capes.
4 Hen Capes - $20 | |||||
Whiting Hen Saddles | $20 | ||||
Hen Saddles are a larger feather with rounded tips and a bit softer. Generally, you will only find a few sizes on a saddle.
To see the complete offering of colors, please visit my page; Whiting Soft Hackle Hen Saddles.
Best Sellers / $20 | |||||
Coq de Leon Hen Capes | $25 | |
Dating back to 1624, Coq de Leon, or the "rooster of Leon" is the oldest line of birds bred for their feathers. The beautiful long The hens have the most unique speckled buggy look. To see the full selection of Coq de Leon hen feathers offered by Whiting Farms, please visit my page; Coq de Leon. Coq de Leon Hen Cape - Brown Speckled / $25 | ||
Whiting Brahma Hen Saddles | $22 | |
Besides having a beautiful grousey mottled pattern, the nicest thing about tying with these The main complaint I hear about partridge feathers is that the stem is so short on the smaller sizes that it is almost impossible to use them.
To see the full selection of Brahma hen offered by Whiting Farms, please visit my page; Brahma Hen.
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Whiting American Hen Capes and Saddles | $35 | ||||
This saltwater line has been bred for wide webby soft feathers. The stem of the feather is long so that you can tie most patterns with just one feather. Perfect for tying both warmwater and stealhead patterns.
With so many colors to choose from,each dyed on solid, grizzly, or laced, please visit my page; Whiting American Hen Hackle.
All colors are in stock and ready to ship today! | |||||
Soft Hackle with Chicabou | $20 | ||||
The best feathers for tying "matuka" style flies are found on the breast of a Whiting rooster. The feathers are long and wide with a round tip. The web is dense and extends to the edge of each feather.
To see the complete offering of colors, please visit my page; Chicabou & Matuka Feathers.
All colors are in stock and ready to ship today! | |||||
Soft Hackle Rooster Saddles
This line of roosters has been carefully selected over many generations to grow long saddle feathers with web. They are wider than dry fly saddle hackle and the fibers are softer.
Unlike dry fly saddle hackle, these feathers have quite a bit of tapper. So if you're tying wooly buggers and want a cone shape look, these are what you're looking for!
Also available in bright colors, these are perfect for tying flatwing fly patterns. The stems are strong and these webby feather hold their shape in water.
Wooly Buggar Saddles | $50 | ||||
The soft fibers on these long saddle feathers make these ideal for tying any size and color buggar pattern. To see the complete offering of colors, please visit my page; Buggar Hackle.
Full Saddle / $50
Half Saddle / $30
Buggar Pack / $12.50 | |||||
Wooly Bugger Saddles | $25 | |
These are some nice saddles for tying white wooly buggars. The feathers are 5 to 7 inches Besides buggars, these saddles have feathers perfect for decievers and other saltwater patterns. Looking to try your hand at dying feathers, here you go!
Full Saddle / $25 |
Whiting Spruce Fly Cape | $30 | |
If you're tying small spruce fly patterns, this saddle from Whiting is just the thing.
The feather length ranges from 1 to 3 inches. If you prefer tying with a lighter furnace, I have a few. Just send me an email and I'll get you a picture.
Full Cape / $30 | ||
Buggar Packs | $12.95 | ||||
These buggar packs are a terriffic value! They are the feathers from a line developed by Whiting for soft fibers and ling stems.
Each pack includes 40 to 50 feathers, 5" to 9" long, and tie sizes 8, 10, & 12's.
Best Selling Colors / $12.95 | |||||
Many old soft-hackle patterns call for material no longer available. Species such as snipe and plover are protected under US Fish and Wildlife laws. The good news is that these hens offer a wide range of colors and fiber lengh perfect for tying these flies.
So which to buy? Cape or Saddle? Hen capes offer the widest choice in sizes and colors . The feathers are long and narrow yet soft. One of the benefits of a hen cape is that the smaller sizes on the top of the neck have a stem long enough to give you a few wraps -even on the smallest of flys.
Peacock Eyes | 3 for $9/med | ||||
The soft fibers on these long saddle feathers make these ideal for tying any size and color buggar pattern.
The soft fibers on these long saddle feathers make these ideal for tying any size and color buggar pattern. To see the complete offering of colors, please visit my page; Peacock Feathers.
***Only Available to US customers!
Large / 3 for $15.50
Medium / 3 for $9
Small / 3 for $7.50 | |||||
Peacock Swords | 3 for $7.50/med | ||||
The soft fibers on these long saddle feathers make these ideal for tying any size and color buggar pattern.
The soft fibers on these long saddle feathers make these ideal for tying any size and color buggar pattern. To see the complete offering of colors, please visit my page; Peacock Feathers.
***Only Available to US customers!
Large / 3 for $9
Medium / 3 for $7.50
Small / 3 for $5 | |||||
Ostrich Herl | $3.50 | |
The soft webby feathers on these hen capes quickly absorb water, keeping your fly below the surface.
One of the benefits of a hen cape is that the smaller sizes on the top of the neck have a stem long enough to give you a few wraps - even on the smallest of flys. To see the complete offering of feathers and colors, please visit my page; Ostrich.
***Only Available to US customers!
Ostrich Plumes / $3.50 each | ||
Many old soft-hackle patterns call for material no longer available. Species such as snipe and plover are protected under US Fish and Wildlife laws. The good news is that these hens offer a wide range of colors and fiber lengh perfect for tying these flies.
So which to buy? Cape or Saddle? Hen capes offer the widest choice in sizes and colors . The feathers are long and narrow yet soft. One of the benefits of a hen cape is that the smaller sizes on the top of the neck have a stem long enough to give you a few wraps -even on the smallest of flys.
Mallard Wings | $7.50/each | |
The soft webby feathers on these hen capes quickly absorb water, keeping your fly below the surface.
One of the benefits of a hen cape is that the smaller sizes on the top of the neck have a stem long enough to give you a few wraps - even on the smallest of flys. To see the complete offering of feathers and skins, please visit my page; Mallard.
***Only Available to US customers!
Mallard Wing / $7.50/ each | ||
Partridge Wings | $12.50/pair | |
The soft webby feathers on these hen capes quickly absorb water, keeping your fly below the surface.
One of the benefits of a hen cape is that the smaller sizes on the top of the neck have a stem long enough to give you a few wraps - even on the smallest of flys. To see the complete offering of feathers and skins, please visit my page; Hungarian Partridge.
***Only Available to US customers!
Partridge Wing / $12.50 pair | ||
Jackdaw Wings | $7.50 | ||||
The best feathers for tying "matuka" style flies are found on the breast of dry fly roosters. The feathers are long and wide with a round tip. The web is dense and extends to the edge of each feather. Lower on the pelt is the chickabou. The best way to describe these feathers is that they are mini marabou. The fibers are soft and fluffy like marabou.
***Only Available to US customers!
Jackdaw Wing / $7.50 each | |||||
One of the most under-used birds for artistic tiers is the ubiquitous Ringneck
pheasant. Many Mary Orvis Marbury patterns such as the Cleveland and the Maid Of The Mill bass flies and other.
Trout tiers know the pheasant tail nymph, wet fly wings, legs on hoppers and steelhead tiers have used rump feathers for throats and for long heron like hackles for a long time.Don’t forget the hen for March Brown wings and wet fly wings.
Just as with Peafowl, many breeders have toyed with the elasticty of the Ringneck gene pool. They have isloated some vary interesting color mutations ranging from white to black menanistic.
Ringneck Pheasant Rooster | $35 | |
These are nice clean, full skins, hand selected for color and size. The tails are complete and unlike other skins, the wings are attached. To see the complete offering of feathers and skins, please visit my page; Ringneck Pheasant.
***Only Available to US customers!
Full Skin Grade #1 / $35
Rump Patch / $7.50
Tail Clump / $10 |
Ringneck Pheasant Hen | $35 | |
These are nice clean, full skins, hand selected for color and size. The tails are complete and unlike other skins, the wings are attached. To see the complete offering of feathers and skins, please visit my page; Ringneck Pheasant.
***Only Available to US customers!
Full Skin / $35
Tail Clump / $10
Wing Set / $15 |
Easily the most popular species of grouse in fly tying. For years it has been the staple for soft hackle tiers.
Every color combination imaginable has probably been tried in the grouse and category where the body color changes the fly. With an overall brown and ginger coloration a wide range of applications entice the trout and small mouth bass tier to try new patterns.
The body and wing feathers are of a very soft quality making them ideal for just about any use. Sections from the tails make great wet flies too.
Ruffed Grouse - Grey Phase | $45 | ||||
The tail band is jet black, while the feathers have a red cast.
***Only Available to US customers!
Ruffed Grouse / $45 |
Red Grouse Wings | $0.00 | ||||
The soft character of the body plumage has made this bird popular with the soft hackle fly tiers. The color approximates some insect leg coloration. There are a few vintage salmon flies that call for Red Grouse for the throat. The length, softness, and color pattern of the feathers on these wings make them perect for tying soft hackle flies. The underwing also has many usable feathers.
***Only Available to US customers!
Sharptail Grouse Wings | $0.00 | ||||
The soft character of the body plumage has made this bird popular with the soft hackle fly tiers. The color approximates some insect leg coloration. There are a few vintage salmon flies that call for Red Grouse for the throat.
***Only Available to US customers!
Quail skins offer wonderfully fine and soft feathers that are available in many different colors.
The most commonly used quail for fly tying are probably Bobwhite Quail, whose feathers are richly mottled brown, tan, dun, and cream. Mountain, Valley, California, Gambel's Quail, which are a beautiful medium gray dun often ringed in with a darker dun margin.
The stems of quail are fragile (more so than woodcock or grouse) and care must be exercised when wrapping them.
Wisconsin Jumbo Bobwhite Quail | $25 | ||||
This saltwater line has been bred for wide webby soft feathers. The stem of the These saltwater hen capes are dyed a wide range of bright colors. These striking colors are dyed over white, grizzley, and black laced to give the tyer almost every color and feather pattern to tie with.
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Gambels Quail | $45 | |
These saddle feathers are even softer, wider, more webby than the feathers found You won't find a better feather for tying classic wet fly patterns. The webbing on the topmost section or each feather extends right out to the tip and the barb lenth is long, perfect for tying wet fly tails.
California Valley Quail | $45 | ||||
These saddle feathers are even softer, wider, more webby than the feathers found You won't find a better feather for tying classic wet fly patterns. The webbing on the topmost section or each feather extends right out to the tip and the barb lenth is long, perfect for tying wet fly tails.
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Grizzly Winger feathers | 4 for $15 | ||||
Many people ask "what is the best feather to use for tying wings on my dry flies?" Years ago, tyers were able to use hen necks. However, with hackle growers breeding for smaller and smaller hackle sizes, today these feathers are too narrow and "dry-fly" like. Well, here is a feather that works well; nice barring, web right up to the edge, and nice round tips - all making for the perfect siloette on the water. Looking for more colors? Check out my page on Winger Feathers
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Soft Hackle Feathers
Classic Soft Hackle Patterns
yellow chartruese
- Links -
Must have feathers for
tying Soft Hackle patterns
Lemon Wood Duck
Cul de Canard
Peacock Herl
Coq de Leon Tailing Packs
Marabou Packs
Golden Pheasant Tippets
Soft Hackle Hen
The other growers also offer hen capes.
- Links -
Click the picture to see the complete selection of colors offered by Ewing.
Click the picture to see the complete selection of colors offered by Ewing.
Click the picture to see the complete selection of colors offered by Ewing.
Click the picture to see the complete selection of colors offered by Ewing.
Soft Hackle Hen
march brown
silver doctor
Soft Hackle with Chickabou
4 distinct feather lines
Coq de Leon
Buggar Saddles
Grizzly dyed Brown
kingfisher blue
Stonefly Pattern
- Links -
Must have feathers for
tying Soft Hackle patterns
Lemon Wood Duck
Cul de Canard
Peacock Herl
Coq de Leon Tailing Packs
Marabou Packs
Golden Pheasant Tippets
dark grizzly
dun grizzly
Ringneck Hen
Moth Pattern
Variant Colors
Hunting Day
Ringneck Rooster
Ruffed Grouse
hot pink
hot pink
hot pink
kingfisher blue
hot pink
silver doctor
silver doctor
march brown
silver doctor