Feather Lines; Whiting | Metz | Keough | Ewing | Collins | Darbee | RIR | Indian Necks | CDL | Bugger | Muskie | Variants

Indian Cock Necks

Many of you will remember back to when you anxiously awaited for the day your fly shop received a new shipment of rooster capes.

If you were one of the lucky ones, you got to be one of the first to look through them. They came in barrels and the thrill of digging through all those capes looking for just the right one, well you get the idea!

Then came Metz, and today we have Whiting, feathers that in those days you never would have dreamt of. But many of you still like tying with these.


Tips for tying with Indian Necks

These small rooster necks offer a great value to the fly tyer. For dry flies, they usually have enough small feathers to tie down to #14's, but be ready to use two hackles to fill out the collar and the stems are a bit stiff.

Some of the colors are better than the expensive capes and make for great legs on nymphs. Feather used in patterns of days gone by can be found in these Indian Cock Necks.

For streamer patterns, they are a favorite for many tiers. The feathers are webby and sturdy, holding their shape in the water. They're also great for crawdad claws.

The Indian Hen Necks shine when used for nymphs and soft hackle wet flies. The fibers are soft and webby. You won't find hen feathers that are softer. My favorite are the Speckled Hen Backs. The delicate modeling gives you fly that buggy look.


***For those of you who watch Davie McPhail on youtube, he uses the feathers from these Indian Necks to tie two of his favorite dry flies. You need to see it; Davie McPhail.


    Indian Cock Necks  
<dry fly saddles>  

Roll your curser over a thumbnail to see an image of the full cape in the window. Click on the thumbnail to see the full size image.

Natural Colors

chincilla brown cream ginger lt ginger coachman
dyed dun black olive furnace red grizzly badger

Hot Colors

red yellow orange chartruese hot pink purple
silver doctor kingfisher lavender pale yellow magenta violet


Indian Cock Necks - Prime / $12.75
To order, select a color;


Indian Cock Necks - Grade #1 / $9,75
To order, select a color;


Indian Cock Necks - Grade #2 / $7.75
To order, select a color;

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    Indian Rooster Saddles Patches  
<dry fly saddles>  

Roll your curser over a thumbnail to see an image of the full cape in the window. Click on the thumbnail to see the full size image.

Natural and Dyed Colors

brown barred ginger olive furnace badger
dyed dun black cream      



Indian Cock Saddle Patch - $6.75
To order, select a color;


***To checkout, please click the view "cart button".


Soft Hackle Hen Feathers

The fibers on today's hen capes are almost as stiff as those on an Indian Rooster Cape. The effects of selective breeding for dry fly capes with small sizes has caused this.

A few years ago I met A. K. Best at a fly fishing show. He was tying parachute patterns and using Whiting hen capes for the hackle. He said that the fibers were stiff enough and gave the fly a bit of a bounce when it hit the water.

So if it's Soft Hackle you're looking for, you won't find any hen feathers softer than these.

    Indian Hen Necks  
<dry fly saddles>  

Roll your curser over a thumbnail to see an image of the full cape in the window. Click on the thumbnail to see the full size image.


brown olive ginger dk brown cream black
badger furnace gold olive crawdad dk dun lt dun

Hot Colors

red yellow orange chartruese hot pink purple
silver doctor kingfisher lavender pale yellow magenta violet



Indian Hen Neck - $8.50
To order, select a color;


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    Speckled Hen Backs  
<dry fly saddles>  

Roll your curser over a thumbnail to see an image of the full cape in the window. Click on the thumbnail to see the full size image.


brown speckled grey speckled ginger/ bleached tan black white



Indian Hen Back - $8.75
To order, select a color;


***To checkout, please click the view "cart button".





"No Questions Asked" Return Policy

If you order feathers from me and are not happy for whatever reason, please contact me right away and I will resolve the problem. I don't want you to be unhappy with anything you purchase.

Thanks, David 608-332-4220









Back to the old days!

Light Ginger




Genetic Hackle



Whiting Grizzly - Gold



Metz Neck - Brown



Master Tyers Grade




Whiting Hebert Saddle






Soft Hackle Hen Feathers

Whiting Hen Capes



Hen Saddles



Soft Hackle with Chicabou