Ewing Feather Birds
In 1989 Doug Ewing aquired a line of hackle birds from Joe Keough, Bill's uncle. For 20 years he has worked with these birds to produce some of the finest hackle.
Today, Doug Ewing's line of feather birds produces some of the finest feathers for tying streamer and deceiver patterns.
The barring on these feathers is beautiful, and the feather length and shape is perfect for tying Carrie Stevens patterns.
Lefty developed the deciever pattern and Ewing perfected the feather!
High Quality Hackle at a Great Price!
When deciding whether to buy a dry fly cape or saddle there are a few things to first consider. First, what sizes are you planning to tie? With a good rooster cape you can tie sizes 6 to 26. Rooster saddles on the other hand have a very narrow size range, usually just two or three. The feathers are long and narrow and you can easily tie six or seven flies of the same size from just one feather.
Dry flies need good strong tails and dry fly capes have great tailing fibers along the edges of the cape. These are the feathers that would be on the throat of the rooster. They are called spade hackle and have the strongest fibers, feathers needed to protect the throat from the sharp spurs of other roosters.
Ewing Dry Fly Capes - Grade #1 | $49.95 | ||||
This is Ewing's dry fly line. For the most part he has concentrated on the core colors; grizzly, white, and brown. The duns are dyed over white.
The feather quality is perfect for those wanting to tye a wide range of sizes. The majority of the feathers on these capes range from 14 to 16's. You will also find plenty of 10's and 12's, however, you'll find that there is a bit of webbing in these sizes.
Dry Fly Cape - $49.95 | |||||
Ewing Premium Streamer Capes | $49.95 | |
Here is where Doug has excelled. Over time he has selected for genetic traits to produced a perfect streamer feather.
At the moment, these full capes are only available in grizzly and white. If you're looking for other colors, check out Ewings streamer packs listed below.
Streamer Cape - $49.95 | ||
Ewing Deciever Patches | $29.95 | |
For those of you who are looking for bright colors for streamer patterns, these are perfect. Ewing Streamer Packs are patches cut from the lower section of their streamer capes. Each pack contains 50 plus feathers. And at this great price, you can get a variety of colors! If there are any other colors you are looking for, please give me a call.
Deciever Patches - $29.95 | ||
Ewing Rooster Saddles | $57 | |
You won't find a feather that beats Ewing when it comes to tying flatwing patterns.
This makes them a perfect flatwing or muskie feather, giving your fly movement and life in the water. If there are other colors you are looking for, please call me.
Ewing Rooster Saddle - $57 |
Ewing Woolly Bugger Packs | $12.95 | |
Ewing Woolly Bugger Packets are feather patches cut from the sides of his rooster saddles. The feathers on these saddle patches are fairly soft with webbing down the center of the feather. This makes them a perfect bugger feather, giving your fly movement and life in the water. If there are other colors you are looking for, please call me.
Buggar Packs - $12.95 |
Ewing Saddle Patches | $30 | ||||
These feather patches are the lower part of the saddle, the widest feathers on the saddle, right before the tail feathers As you can see in the picture, these feathers are very webby, however, the stems are not as stiff as those found on a cape feather. And again, what jumps out at you is the clearity and uniformity of the barring.
Saddle Patches - $30 | |||||
Soft Hackle Hen Feathers
Ewing Hen Necks | $21.95 | ||||
I pictured this one here because Ewing is the only grower that offers a bleached grizzly hen cape. The feathers on these Ewing Hen Necks and Saddles are soft and webby. The smaller feathers on the cape are a favorite for mayfly wings. You'll find a wide range of sizes on these hen capes to meet the needs of most patterns, while feathers on the saddles are larger with rounder edges. Check out all the colors Doug offers!
Ewing Hen Neck - $21.95 | |||||
Ewing Hen Saddles | $15.95 | |
Today, Ewing hen saddles are a big seller, especially white. Gamechangers of course. The feathers are soft with web from wall to wall. Probably the softest on the market. I pictured white her, like I said, it is the biggest seller.
Ewing Hen Saddle - $15.95 | ||
Ewing Soft Hackle with Chickaboo | $17.95 | |
Tow things you'll notice right away about the Ewing brand of soft hackle with chickabou. First is the perfect barring, there's no arguing that Ewing has the best barring in the hackle world. The second is the colors he chooses to dye them. Mostly pastel colors. Really don't know what to name some of them, I'll post pictures on the right sidebar so you can see what you're getting.
Soft Hackle with Chicabou - $17.95 | ||
Free shipping on every feather!
Ewing Saddle Patches
Ewing Rooster Capes
grey olive
tan olive
Blue Dun
Ewing Deciever Patches
Ewing Bugger Hackle
Red Grizzly
silver doctor
Ewing Hen Capes
Burnt Orange Grizzly
Brown Grizzly
Golden Olive Grizzly
Pale Olive Grizzly
Lavender Grizzly
Golden Brown Grizzly
Ewing Hen Saddles
Burnt Orange
Wild Type
Ewing Soft Hackle with Chickabou
Pale Yellow Grizzly
Soft Pink
Pale Olive
Lavander Grizzly
Pale Olive Grizzly