Feather Lines; Whiting | Metz | Keough | Ewing | Collins | Darbee | RIR | Indian Necks | CDL | Bugger | Muskie | Variants


Caring for your new feathers couldn't be easier! When you receive them I recomend that you hold them over steam from a tea kettle.

Hold them as close to the steam as you can. This will straighten them out and fluff up the fibers after being flattened during shipping.

The steam realigns the protiens in the feather. It only takes a few minutes and you will be amazed with the results. Get the steam as hot as you can watch them straighten right out!

Placing an Order.

Thank you for visiting my site. If there is something you would like to order, here are the options.


***Refund Policy - If you would like to return an item please contact me first. Postage if free on orders over $45 going out, but I do not offer pre-paid postage on returns.

PayPal no longer refunds the fees they charge when making a purchase. So if you request a refund because you are returning an item or canceling an order, the amount refunded will be less a 3.5% handling fee and shipping.

Sad a few people have to ruin a good thing...



Online Shopping Cart - PayPal

The shopping cart on my site is basic by today's standards. But it works, at least most of the time. One problem I've noticed is that sometimes when you add an item to your cart it fails to show up. When this happens, just click the "refresh" button.

Another question I get is how to check out. When your done shopping, find the "view cart" button and that will take you to your shopping cart.

Payments are limited to PayPal. The nice thing about PayPal is that even if you don't have an account, you can simply "pay as a guest" and they will take your credit card. It's safe and quick.

PayPal also makes shipping and tracking your order a breeze. When your order is shipped, PayPal will send you all the tracking info and all you need to do is open their email to locate your order.

***PayPal orders only - PayPal no longer refunds the fees they charge when making a purchase. So if you request a refund because you are returning an item or canceling an order, the amount refunded will be less the fee.


Over the Phone - Credit Cards

For those of you who aren't a fan of PayPal and just want to pay with a credit card, please call in your order. Soon you will be able to process credit card orders directly on the site, but in the mean time, please call in your order. Sorry for the inconvience. Here's my cell phone: 608-332-4220



For you late night shoppers who want to pay with a credit card but it's too late to call it in, the best is to just to send me an email with a list of what you would like and I'll call you.

If the shopping cart or PayPal is giving you troubles, please email me your order and I can send you a PayPal invoice.

Either way, please include your phone number in the email so I can call you if there are any questions.



International Orders


***15 June, 2022, As of today I will no longer be accepting orders from either China or Japan. There have been too may problems with shipping and I have no way to track them. If you do place an order, it will be refunded less the PayPal fee. Sorry for the trouble.


I get emails almost everyday asking if I ship internationally. Some items I can, while others such as exotics, I can't. Hackle is not a problem and I can provide Certificate of Orgin and a Health Certificate. Most exotics are covered by USFWS laws and the permits required to ship them overseas is far too expensive.


International shipping options have changed.  Here are the two options;


For orders under $125 - First Class US Mail.

I usually ship them through the US Mail. Last year postage rates tripled overnight so now I'm forced to charge postage. The basic rate is $13.96.

You will receive a customs number. If you live in Canada, this can be used as a tracking number. For customers in other countries, if the package gets lost, you will need to present to the customs dept.  

Once it leaves the US, there is nothing I or the US post office can do to track it.  You will be responsible to locate it from your end.  If it gets lost I can not offer any refund.


For orders over $125 - UPS International Express.

For larger orders I recommend this option. It is safer and the only way to get tracking.  

If you'd rather not pay the higher postage and take your chances, I can still ship regular mail, but remember, if it gets lost I can not offer any refund.


Please choose the service you would like and pay here:


USPS International First Class Postage - $15.96



UPS International Express Mail Rate - $39.96







U.S. Shipping

I do my best to ship your feathers no later than the day after I receive your order. If for some reason I'm not able, I will contact you and let you know.


United States Postal Service

Shipping within the US is free for orders over $45. Shipping used to be free on all orders but postage has gone through the roof and now I've no choice. I ship USPS First Class with tracking.

***Returns - Due to PayPal's policy change, the refund amount will be the purchase price less the shipping and the PayPal fee. No restocking fee.

If you need the feathers right away, I can ship them either Priority or Express, but it costs extra. Express is a guaranteed next day service and Priority takes 1 to 3 days depending on how far away you live. You can either call me or add it to your cart here;


USPS Priority Mail Service - $8.95


USPS Express Service - $24.95






We can also ship FedEx if you'd like but it's more expensive. They offer quite a few different shipping options, far too many to list here. Please email or call for pricing on either domestic or international orders.


Any questions, please give me a call.







"No Questions Asked" Return Policy


If you order feathers from me and are not happy for whatever reason, please contact me right away and I will resolve the problem. I don't want you to be unhappy with anything you purchase.

Thank you for your business,


David 608-332-4220



Free shipping on every feather!



<dry fly hackle>

<dry fly hackle>


<dry fly hackle>


<dry fly hackle>


<dry fly hackle>




Feathers for Dry Flies

- Links -

Click on a picture!




Whiting Dry Fly Capes







Soft Hackle

- Links -

Must have feathers for tying soft hackle patterns




Whiting Hen Capes



Whiting Hen Saddles





