Feather Lines; Whiting | Metz | Keough | Ewing | Collins | Darbee | RIR | Indian Necks | CDL | Bugger | Muskie | Variants

Catskill Classics

The orgin of most genetic hackle find it's way back to the Catskill region.. Harry Darbee and his wife Elsie had set up shop tying flies and they were in need of hackle!

In his pursuit of the perfect feather, he started raising birds and often traded eggs and birds with many farms. The list of those he worked with is too long to mention.

One of these hackle farmers was kind enough to share some of his Darbee stock with Dr. Whiting. This was some 30 years ago and today he still keeps the line going.

Cape and Saddle Combo

This is a project long in the works. A favorite of Dr. Whiting's. The gene pool still has most of the colors and feather quality Mr. Darbee was selecting. Of course, over the years, Dr. Whiting worked his magic, added a few colors, and today it is a full hackle dry fly line.


Grading - Capes are graded with the same rigorous standard you're familiar with in the other Whiting lines, based on the number of flies you can tie from the pelt. Saddles a bit different. When Dr. Whiting aquired this line, saddles were mostly bugger quality. Today, most are full dry fly hackle saddles.


Grade #1 - dry fly capes and full hackle saddles.

Grade #2 - dry fly capes and saddles with a mix of dry fly and bugger quality hackle.

Grade #3 - mostly bugger quality.


Colors - The colors are mostly natural, lots of duns. The hackle quality is everything you've come to expect from a Whiting. Stiff barbs, flexable stems, barb density and symatry. To make things easy, I've divided the page into color groups. Click on any color listed and it will take you right to the group:

Grizzly | Browns| Duns | Solids | Badgers | Variants

Winger Capes | Spade Hackle

Hen Sets | Freshwater Streamer Sets

Bugger Hackle


All grades and colors are available in full and half cape sets.


dry fly hackleGrizzly - Natural & dyed Colors

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.


Grizzly | Dun Grizzly | Grizzly Varaint

Mixed Color Sets | Dyed Colors

1/2 Cape & Saddle Sets

dry fly hackleGrizzly - Grade #1

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.


Grizzly / Grade #1 $95  


This is far and away the finest grizzly hackle on the market.


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle range from #12's to #14's and a few #10's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


This is far and away the finest grizzly hackle on the market.


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle range from #12's to #14's and smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Light Grizzly

This is far and away the finest grizzly hackle on the market.


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle range from #14's to #16's and smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $135  

Dark Grizzly

This is far and away the finest grizzly hackle on the market.


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle range from #14's to #16's and smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $135







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


This is far and away the finest grizzly hackle on the market.


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle range from #12's to #14's and smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


This is far and away the finest grizzly hackle on the market.


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle range from #10's to #12's and smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Ghost Barred Grizzly

This is far and away the finest grizzly hackle on the market.


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle range from #10's to #12's and a few #14's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


This is far and away the finest grizzly hackle on the market.


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle range from #12's to #14's and a few #10's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $225  

Dark Grizzly

This is far and away the highest grade cape and saddle listed on this whole page.

The feather count on this saddle is gold grade or better!


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle range from #16's to #18's and smaller.

Feathers as long as 14 to 16 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $225







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


This is far and away the finest grizzly hackle on the market.


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle range from #12's to #14's and smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


The saddle in this set is comparable to a red label bronze.

Look at the barring, it's the perfect balance of black and white.


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle range from #14's to #16's and a few #18's.

Feather length: 11 to 13 inches..



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  


Barred dark ginger has always been a favorite. Close to a cree, this is a beautiful rich color.


Hook sizes on this Whiting grizzly saddle range from #16's to #18's and a few smaller.

Feather length; 19 to 21 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Light Grizzly

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Dark Grizzly

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #18's and #20's, and a few even smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Light Grizzly

This is far and away the finest grizzly hackle on the market.


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle range from #14's to #16's and smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


Another perfect grizzly, Whiting is the leader when it comes to grizzly dry fly hackle.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #12's.

Feather length: 15 to 17 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125






dry fly hackleGrizzly - Grade #2

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.






Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  


Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and some #10's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60




Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be w


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #10's, lots of #14's, and quite a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be wit


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #12's, lots of #14's, and quite a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be w


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be w


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $70  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be w


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #10's, lots of #12's, and quite a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $70











Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  


Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few #10's.

Feather length: 10 to 11 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $65




Dun Grizzly - Grade #1

Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Dun Grizzly

This is far and away the finest grizzly hackle on the market.


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle range from #10's to #12's and smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Light Dun Grizzly

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85











Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Dun Grizzly

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85




Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Bleached Grizzly

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85











Catskill Classic / Grade #1 - Midge $95  

Dun Grizzly

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $115  

Dun Grizzly

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $115








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Dun Grizzly

Most Dun Grizzlies have brown dun barring. This one has grey dun barring, very nice effect.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #16's and #18's with a 14's.

Feather length: as long as 13 to 15 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dun Grizzly

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few smaller.

Feathers as long as 17 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Light Dun Grizzly

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dun Grizzly

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Dun Grizzly

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75




Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dun Grizzly Variant

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Dun Grizzly - Grade #2





Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Dun Grizzly

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from #10's, lots of #12's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60




Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Light Dun Grizzly

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Dun Grizzly

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, to #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Dun Grizzly

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Dun Grizzly

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #10's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  

Dun Grizzly

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  

Light Dun Grizzly

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Light Dun Grizzly

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $95  

Light Dun Grizzly

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be wit


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, and a few smaller.

Feather length as long as 7 to 9 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95








Grizzly Variant - Grade #1

Catskill Classic / Grade #1 - Midge $95  

Grizzly Variant

This is far and away the finest grizzly hackle on the market.


Hook sizes on this Whiting Catskill grizzly saddle are mostly #16's, #18's and smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95











Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $105  

Dark Grizzly Variant

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $105




Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Grizzly Variant

Fill your fly box, all your friend's fly boxes, and even their friend's fly boxes with beautiful green drakes.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from #14's to #16's and a few larger.

Feather length; 8 to 10 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125









Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grizzly Variant

Just order this one, the price will come up as $0 but I will contact you and send you pictures of the others I have in stock.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from #16's, #18's and some smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95









Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $105  

Grizzly Variant

Here is a darker version of barred ginger. The colors are deeper but still have the brown in the barring.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from #16's, #18's and some smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $105











Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grizzly Variant

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's and a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Grizzly Variant

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $135  

Grizzly Variant

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 16's and 18's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $135








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Grizzly Variant

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 16's and 18's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Dark Grizzly Variant

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's and #18's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dark Grizzly Variant

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's and #18's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Dark Grizzly Variant

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's and #18's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85




Grizzly Variant - Grade #2





Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Grizzly Variant

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #12's, lots of #14's, and some #16's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75



To check out, click the "view cart" button




Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Grizzly Variant

This is a beautiful color, the grey dun barring gives your fly a softer look!


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.

Feather length; 9 to 11 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75





Catskill Classic / Grade #2 - SOLD $75  

Grizzly Variant

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be wit


Hook sizes on this saddle are mstly #12'sand #14's, and a few #62's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $95  

Grizzly Variant

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95








Mixed Color Sets - Grade #1





Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grizzly / Brown Combo Pack

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grizzly Cape / Brown Saddle

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Brown Cape / Grizzly Saddle

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grizzly Cape / Brown Saddle

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, with a few #18's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95





Mixed Color Sets - Grade #2





Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Grrizzly Brown Combo

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75






Dyed Color Sets - Grade #1





Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Grizzly dyed Pale Olive

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING


Catskill Combo/ $125








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 12's and 14's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grizzly dyed Olive

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $145  

Grizzly dyed Olive

The saddle here is comperable to a silver. For $25, you get the cape too!


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, with a few #12's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $145








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $115  

Grizzly dyed Coachman

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, with a few #12's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $115








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Grizzly dyed Brown

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grizzly dyed Brown

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING


Catskill Combo/ $95








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $115  

Grizzly dyed Dun

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING


Catskill Combo/ $115








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grizzly dyed Chartruese

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING


Catskill Combo/ $95








Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grizzly dyed Chartruese

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING


Catskill Combo/ $95




Dyed Color Sets - Grade #2





Catskill Classic / Grade #2 - SOLD $85  

Grizzly dyed Dark Olive

This is a set perfect for tying large green drakes. The cape is larger sizes, might even find a few 8's!.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85








Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $85  

Dun Grizzly dyed Olive

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85








Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $85  

Grizzly dyed Coachman

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85








Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Grizzly dyed Brown

Just look at the feather count on this one! Unbelievable that so many feathers can be on one pelt.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING


Catskill Combo/ $75




Half Cape & Saddle Sets - Grade #1





Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Grade #1

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  


These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  


These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Dark Grizzly

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's and #18's, with a few #14's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Grizzly Variant

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's and a few #18'.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Dun Grizzly

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Dun Grizzly

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $50  

Grizzly dyed Dun

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $50








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $60  

Grizzly dyed Yellow Olive

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Grizzly / Brown Combo

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 14's and 16's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Grizzly / Brown Combo

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 10's and 12's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Grizzly / Brown Combo

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45





Half Cape & Saddle Sets - Grade #2





Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $40  


These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few smaller.

Feather length; as long as 15 to 17 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $40








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  


These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 12's and 14's..

Feather length; as long as 9 to 11 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  


These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few smaller.

Feather length; as long as 15 to 17 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Dark Grizzly

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 14's and 16's..

Feather length; as long as 9 to 11 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Light Dun Grizzly

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few smaller.

Feather length; as long as 15 to 17 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Dun Grizzly

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, with a few smaller.

Feather length; as long as 5 to 7 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 - SOLD $45  

Dun Grizzly

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, with a few smaller.

Feather length; as long as 7 to 9 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $50  

Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few smaller.

Feather length; as long as 8 to 10 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $50








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 - SOLD $45  

Grizzly dyed Dun

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few smaller.

Feather length; as long as 10 to 12 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Grizzly / Brown Combo

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few smaller.

Feather length; as long as 15 to 17 inches.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45





dry fly hackleBrowns - Natural & dyed Colors

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.



Natural Brown | Furnace | Greenwell

Capes | Saddles

1/2 Cape & Saddle Sets



dry fly hackleNatural Brown - Grade #1

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.



Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $120  

Natural Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's and #14's, with a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $120







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $135  

Natural Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $135







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Natural Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Dark Ginger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #16's, lots of #18's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dark Ginger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #14's, lots of #16's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #12's, lots of #14's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Coachman Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #10's, lots of #12's, and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Barred Dark Ginger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #12's, lots of #14's, and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Light Ginger

Here's a nice ginger with a full hackle saddle. The cape is a bit darker than you see in the picture.


Hook sizes on this saddle ar mostly #14's, and #16's with a few larger.

Feather length; as long as 8 to 10 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


Here's a nice ginger with a full hackle saddle. The cape is a bit darker than you see in the picture.


Hook sizes on this saddle ar mostly #14's, and #16's with a few larger.

Feather length; as long as 8 to 10 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


Here's a nice ginger with a full hackle saddle. The cape is a bit darker than you see in the picture.


Hook sizes on this saddle ar mostly #14's, and #16's with a few larger.

Feather length; as long as 8 to 10 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dark Ginger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #12's, lots of #14's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dark Ginger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #12's, lots of #14's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #16's, lots of #18's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Coachman Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #10's, lots of #12's, and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Light Ginger

Here's a nice ginger with a full hackle saddle. The cape is a bit darker than you see in the picture.


Hook sizes on this saddle ar mostly #14's, and #16's with a few larger.

Feather length; as long as 8 to 10 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #12's, lots of #14's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 - Midge $125  

Natural Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #18's, lots of #20's, and a few even smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125








dry fly hackleNatural Brown - Grade #2

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.


Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Natural Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  

Dark Ginger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #10's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Dark Ginger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $85  

Natural Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 12's and 14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Natural Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Dyed Ginger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  

Dyed Ginger Splash

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Dark Ginger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #14's, and a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Natural Brown

A nice natural brown cape with full tange of sizes. In this line the saddles range from furnace to greenwell. This one is a nice greenwell.

Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's, lots of #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Natural Brown

A nice natural brown cape with full tange of sizes. In this line the saddles range from furnace to greenwell. This one is a nice greenwell.

Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #10's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  

Natural Brown

A nice natural brown cape with full tange of sizes. In this line the saddles range from furnace to greenwell. This one is a nice greenwell.


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  

Natural Brown

A nice natural brown cape with full tange of sizes. In this line the saddles range from furnace to greenwell. This one is a nice greenwell.

Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  

Dyed Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Coachman Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Coachman Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Furnace - Grade #1

Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #14's, lots of #16's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's and #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from mostly #16's, with a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Dark Furnace

Here's a nice dark furnace with an amazing full hackle saddle. The cape is a bit darker than you see in the picture.


Hook sizes on this saddle ar mostly #16's, and #18's with a few smaller.

Feather length; as long as 10 to 12 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Coch y Bonddu

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from mostly #16's, with a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from mostly #16's, with a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Dark Furnace

Here's a nice dark furnace with an amazing full hackle saddle. The cape is a nice furnace just as you see in the picture.


Hook sizes on this saddle ar mostly #18's, and #20's with a few #14's.

Feather length; as long as 13 to 15 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle range from mostly #16's, with a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Furnace - Grade #2

Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  


A perfect furnace with a strong black vein. Lots of flies from this one!


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $70  


A nice colored saddle, rich color with a solid black vein. Feathers are on the short side but the count is high.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING


Catskill Combo / $70







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  


Here's a nice colored furnace with a full hackle saddle. Long feathers with some small sizes.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #16's and #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #16's and #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 - SOLD $75  

Furnace & Greenwell

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Greenwell - Grade #1

Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's with a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 16's and 18's with a few 14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's with a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's with a few #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #18's and #20's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $145





Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's with a few #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Greenwell - Grade #2

Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $95  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's and #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Full Saddle / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $95  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle 14's and 16's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $95  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few smaller.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95








Half Cape & Saddle Sets - Grade #1

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.





Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 - SOLD $50  

Coachman Brown

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $50








Catskill 1/2 Set / Browns Grade #1 - SOLD $50  

Dark Brown

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $50








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $55  


These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $55








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $55  

Natural Brown

These 1/2 cape saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's and #18's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $55








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 - SOLD $50  

Natural Brown

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $50







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $50  


These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's and #18's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $50








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $50  


This one is more of a honey dun than a ginger but I listed it here anyway. A nice set, don't miss out!


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and a few #16's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $50








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $50  


Now this is a nice color, sizes, everything. Perfect!

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and a few #16's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $50








Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 - SOLD $50  


Now this is a nice color, sizes, everything. Perfect!

These 1/2 cape / saddle sets have been a big hit especially for those of you who are just getting started or looking to load up with as many colors as possible.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and a few #16's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $50




Half Cape & Saddle Sets - Browns Grade #2

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.


Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  


After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #10's, lots of #12's, and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $40  

Dark Ginger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #16's, lots of #12's, and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $40







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 - SOLD $45  

Coachman Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's, andf #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $45





Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $40  

Coachman Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's, andf #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $40







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $40  

Natural Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's, andf #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $40







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $40  

Dark Ginger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $40







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $40  

Natural Brown

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #10's, lots of #12's, and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $40







dry fly hackleDuns - Blue, Grey & Brown

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.



Blue Duns | Grey Duns | Brown Duns

Honey & Rusty Duns

1/2 Cape & Saddle Sets


dry fly hackleBlue Duns - Grade #1

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.



Blue Duns - Natural

Catskill Classic / Grade #1 - SOLD $125  

Natural Blue Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #16's and #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Natural Dark Blue Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Light Ginger Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from 16's, lots of 18's, and a few 20's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $115  

Natural Blue Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #18's and #20's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $115







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $100  

Natural Barred Blue Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #16's, lots of #18's, and a few #20's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $100







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Barred Blue Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly 18's and 20's, with a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Ginger Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #12's,

Feather length: as long as 12 to 14 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 - Midge $125  

Speckled Blue Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are small, #18's and #20's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Speckled Blue Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #18's and #20's, and a few #16's.

Feather Length as long as 10 to 12 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Ginger Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #16's, lots of #18's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Ginger Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #16's, and #18's, with a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Blue Duns - Dyed


Medium dyed Dun / Grade #1 $125  


Also called medium blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly 14's and 16's.

Feather length: 15 to 17 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $115  

Medium dyed Dun

Also called medium blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.

Feather length: 13 to 15 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $115







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 - SOLD $105  

Dark dyed Dun

Also called dark blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly 10's and 12's, with a few 14's.

Feather length: 10 to 12 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $105







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Medium dyed Dun

Also called medium blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #16's and #18's, with a few #14's.

Feather length: 11 to 13 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125







Medium Dyed Dun / Grade #1 $105  


Also called medium blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.

Feather length: 12 to 14 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $105







Dark Dyed Dun / Grade #1 $115  


Also called medium blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few #16's.

Feather length: 11 to 13 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $115







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Medium dyed Dun

Also called medium blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few #16's.

Feather length: 10 to 12 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Medium dyed Dun

Also called medium blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #16's and #18's, with a few #20's.

Feather length: 10 to 12 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Medium dyed Dun

Also called medium blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few #10's.

Feather length: 9 to 11 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Medium dyed Dun

Also called medium blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few #16's.

Feather length: 9 to 11 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Medium dyed Dun

Also called medium blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few #16's.

Feather length: 13 to 15 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Medium dyed Dun

Also called medium blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's and #19's, with a few #12's.

Feather length: 10 to 12 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Medium dyed Dun

Also called medium blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few #10's.

Feather length: 10 to 12 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Medium dyed Dun

Also called medium blue dun, this shade of dun has a hint of blue to it for all you bwo patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.

Feather length: 11 to 13 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Blue Duns - Grade #2


Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  

Medium dyed Dun

This is a ginger dun dyed medium blue dun that gives it a shade of cahill.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.

Feather length: feathers as long as 7 to 9 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Light Ginger Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #18's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 - SOLD $75  

Cahill Dun

This is a ginger dun dyed medium blue dun that gives it a shade of cahill.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from #16's, lots of #18's, and a few #14's.

Feather length: feathers as long as 13 to 15 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Medium dyed Dun

This is a nice medium dun with a shade of blue dun to it.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.

Feather length: feathers as long as 7 to 9 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Light Ginger Dun $60  

Grade #2

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #18's, and #20's.

Feather length: feathers as long as 11 to 13 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Light Ginger Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's, and a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60









Grey Duns - Grade #1

Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #16's, lots of #18's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Light Grey Dun

A nice light grey dun with some darker mixed in.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dark Grey Dun

A nice dark rich dark grey dun.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's and #18's with a few #20's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grey Dun Splash

***Not surprisingly, this one sold right away. But if you're looking for this color I'll be happy to get one for you.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grey Dun

Now this is a perfect shade of grey dun!


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #12's, and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Grey Dun

***Not surprisingly, this one sold right away. But if you're looking for this color I'll be happy to get one for you.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #18's, and some #20's with a few #16's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Light Grey Dun

A perfect shade of light grey dun, a full hackle saddle and a cape will tie as small as 22's.


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #12's.

Feather length: 13 to 14 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Grey Dun

Here's a saddle where the ginger is boardering on brown and the barring is only on the tips of the feathers.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #18's, and some #20's with a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dark Grey Dun

Now here's the perfect shade of dark grey dun.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #14's, mostly #16's and smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Light Grey Dun Splash

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #10's, lots of #12's, and some #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dark Grey Dun

***Not surprisingly, this one sold right away. But if you're looking for this color I'll be happy to get one for you.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #18's, and #20's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Grey Dun

Here's a very nice ashy colored dun with a variety of shade mized in.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #12's, and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grey Dun

***Not surprisingly, this one sold right away. But if you're looking for this color I'll be happy to get one for you.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #16's, and #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Barred Light Grey Dun

Nice barring on a light grey dun and a full hackle saddle.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Dark Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's, 14's and a few #10's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grey Dun

A perfect shado of grey dun. This one is a nice set.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #16's, and #18's and a few larger.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $145  

Barred Grey Dun

The feather count on this saddle is amazing!

Didn't think so many feathers could be on one of these.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's, and #16's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $145







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Barred Grey Dun

Just take a look at the color of this one!


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Barred Grey Dun

Just look at the color of this one!


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $145  

Barred Grey Dun

This one, besides the incredible barring gene, this one has an amazing feather count!


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $145







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Charcoal Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dark Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Light Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #20's, lots of #14's, and #16's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Grey Dun Splash

This is far and away the finest grizzly hackle on the market. The balance of black and white,


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Grey Dun Splash

Here's a saddle where the ginger is boardering on brown and the barring is only


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75











Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Barred Grey Dun

Most Dun Grizzlies have brown dun barring. This one has grey dun barring, very nice effect.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few smaller.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125




Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dark Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be w


Hook sizes on this saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Grey Duns - Grade #2


Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Dark Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #18's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $70  

Light Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from 10's, lots of 12's, and a few 14's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $70







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Grey Dun Splash

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Light Grey Dun

This set shoulf have been listed as a #1, the cape is exceptional and the saddle is a full hacle saddle. A nice one!


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #12's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Light Grey Dun

This set shoulf have been listed as a #1, the cape is exceptional and the saddle is a full hacle saddle. A nice one!


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #10's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Barred Grey Dun $85///  

Grade #1

Great color, amazing feather count, what else is there?


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's, with a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Light Grey Dun Splash

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle mostly #10' sand #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Charcoal Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few larger.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $95  

Grey Dun Splash

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  

Dark Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12'sand #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Brown Duns - Grade #1

Light Tan Dun $135  

Grade #1

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong arsinal of blue wing olives. And here's the perfect feather.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #10's, lots of #12's, and #14's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $135







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $115  

Dark Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #18's, lots of #20's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $115







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $115  

Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $115







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dark Brown Dun

ow here is a perfect dark brown dun with a wide range of sizes.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's with some #14's.

Feather length: 8 to 10 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Brown Dun

This is a ginger dun dyed medium blue dun that gives it a shade of cahill.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's and #18's.

Feather length: 11 to 13 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 - Midge $95  

Barred Tan Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be


Hook sizes on this saddle range from #16's, lots of #18's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Dark Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #10's, lots of #12's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Light Tan Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #12's, lots of #14's, and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Dark Brown Dun

Here's a saddle where the ginger is boardering on brown and the barring is only on the tips of the feathers.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #18's, and some #20's with a few smaller,


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75





Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Dark Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #18's, and #20's with quite a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Medium Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #18's, and #20's with quite a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







To check out, click the "view cart" button




Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Dark Brown Dun

From cream to gingers and browns and a bit of grizzly, you won't find another like this one.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #18's, and #20's with a few #16's.

I also offer capes in this color, all with sizes ranging from 10 to 22's. Please visit my page; Dry Fly Hackle.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Full Saddle / $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Sandy Dun

A slightly lighter shade, this saddle has an incredible feather count not to mention the length.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16'sand #18's.

Feather length: 7 to 9 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Tan Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #16's, lots of #18's, and a few #20's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Brown Dun

Here's a saddle where the ginger is boardering on brown and the barring is only on the tips of the feathers.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #14's, and some #16's with a few smaller.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dark Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #10's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $115  

Light Tan Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $115







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few larger.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #16's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's, with a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Tan Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few larger.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 - Midge $95  

Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #18's, lots of #20's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 - Midge - SOLD $95  

Light Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #10's, lots of #12's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Brown Duns - Grade #2


Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  

Sandy Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly 12's and 14's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #18's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Dark Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #16's, and a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $70  

Tan Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly 14's, and 16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $70







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 - SOLD $60  

Tan Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's, and a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few smaller.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Light Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #16's, lots of #18's, and a few smaller.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Blue Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few smaller.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60








Honey Duns & Rusty Duns - Grade #1

Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Honey Dun

Here's a saddle where the ginger is boardering on brown and the barring is only on the tips of the feathers.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #18's, and some #16's with a few #20's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125






Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Honey Dun

Here's a saddle where the feathers are up to 19 inches!


Hook sizes on this saddleare mostly #12's, and some #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Honey Dun

Here's a saddle where the ginger is boardering on brown and the barring is only on the tips of the feathers.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #16's, and some #18's with a few #20's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 - Midge $125  

Rusty Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #16's, lots of #18's, and #20's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Honey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #14's, lots of #16's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Rusty Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #12's, lots of #14's, and #16's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Rusty Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #14's, lots of #16's, and #18's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Rusty Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Honey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #14's, lots of #16's, and #18's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Honey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's and #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Honey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to be without is a strong


Hook sizes on this saddle range from a few #14's, lots of #16's, and #18's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125








Honey & Rusty Duns - Grade #2


Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $70  

Honey Dun

Here's a saddle where the ginger is boardering on brown and the barring is only on the tips of the feathers.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #14's, and some #16's with a few smaller.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $70







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $95  

Rusty Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few smaller.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Honey Dun

In chicken terms, this is a "Red Pile" genetic color


Hook sizes on the saddle 12's and 14's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $95  

Honey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's, and #14's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Honey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's, and #16's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $95  

Rusty Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's, and #16's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  

Honey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's, and #14's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $65







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $85  

Rusty Dun

The dun undertones is a charactoristic long selected for by Mr Darbee. This one is especially dark.


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #16's, lots of #18's, and a few smaller.

Feather length: 10 to 12 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85









Duns - Half Cape & Saddle Sets / Grade #1

Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Dark Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set / $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Light Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #18's.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $50  

Dark Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $50







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 - SOLD $55  

Natural Speckled Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $55







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $60  

Medium Blue Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's, and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $60







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $65  

Medium Blue Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #10's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $65







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $55  

Honey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12'sand #14's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $55







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $55  

Rusty Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $60







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Chocolate Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $50  

Rusty Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from lots of #14's, and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $50







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Dark Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $50  

Rusty Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from lots of #12's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $50







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Dark Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's, and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $45







Half Cape & Saddle Sets - Grade #2

Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $50  

Honey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $50







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Medium Blue Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Light Blue Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Light Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Light Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's with a few smaller.

Feather length: as long as 6 to 9 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Dark Brown Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's with a few #10's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Medium Blue Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's with a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Dark Grey Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #10's, lots of #12's, and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Chocolate Dun

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $45







dry fly hackleSolid Colors / Natural & Dyed - Grade #1

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.



Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Natural Black

Here's a saddle where the ginger is boardering on brown and the barring is only on the tips of the feathers.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #18's, and some #20's with a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75






Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  

Natural Black

Here's a saddle where the ginger is boardering on brown and the barring is only on the tips of the feathers.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #16's, and #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75






Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Dyed Black

Dye a black saddle black and it becomes very glossy, only peacock herl attracts the fish better.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95






Dyed Black / Grade #1 $95  


Dye a black saddle black and it becomes very glossy, only peacock herl attracts the fish better.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95






Dyed Black / Grade #1 - SOLD $85  


Dye a black saddle black and it becomes very glossy, only peacock herl attracts the fish better.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $85






White / Grade #1 - SOLD $125  


The saddle in this set is beautiful with large sizes. These sizes are hard to find these days.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #10's, and some #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125






Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


The saddle in this set is beautiful with large sizes. These sizes are hard to find these days.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #10's, and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125






Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Dyed Black

The saddle in this set is a beautiful flat wing quality saddle.

Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #10's, and some #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125






Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


A nice solid white cape and saddle.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's, and #12's.

Feather length up to 14 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125






Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  


Here's a nice cream set. It has good color.


Hook sizes on the saddle range from lots of #12's, and some #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125






Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $75  


This is a nice olive with a nice full saddle that will tie lots of larger sizes.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #10's, and some #12's with a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75






Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $85  

Olive Splash

Here's the same olive but with a saddle that will tie more 14's.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #12's, and some #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85






Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


Here's the same olive but with a saddle that will tie more 10's.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #10's, and some #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125






Lake Olive / Grade #1 $125  


Here's the same olive but with a saddle that will tie more 14's.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #12's, and some #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125






Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Dark Olive

Here's a HiVis color that has been a big hit!.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #12's, and some #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125






Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $145  

Pale Olive

Here's an interesting shade of olive that has been a big hit!.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #10's, and some #12's and a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $145






Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  


Here's the same olive but with a saddle that will tie more 14's.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #18's, and some #20's with a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







dry fly hackleSolid Colors - Grade #2

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.



Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Natural Black

Here's a saddle where the ginger is boardering on brown and the barring is only on the tips of the feathers.

Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and some #14's with a few #10's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $60






Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  


Here's the same olive but with a saddle that will tie more 14's.


Hook sizes on this saddle range from lots of #12's, and some #14's with a few #10's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75






Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $95  


Here's a saddle where the ginger is boardering on brown and the barring is only on the tips of the feathers.

Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and some #14's with a few #10's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95






Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $95  


Here's a saddle with a mix of flat wing feathers and larger dry fly hackle.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and some #14's with a few #10's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95






Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  


Here's another nice white set.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and some #14's with a few #10's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75






Catskill Classic / Grade #2 - SOLD $95///  


Here's a nice white dry fly cape and a flatwing saddle with tons of feather.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's, and #12's with a few #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING


Catskill Combo / $95






Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Dyed Black

Dye a black saddle black and it becomes very glossy, only peacock herl attracts the fish better.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #8's, and some #10's with a lots of bugger feathers.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $60






Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $65  

Dyed Black

Just look at how long the feathers are on this one!


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's, and some #18's with a lots of bugger feathers.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $65






Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Dyed Black

Dye a black saddle black and it becomes very glossy, only peacock herl attracts the fish better.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and some #14's with a lots of bugger feathers.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $60






Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Dyed Black

Dye a black saddle black and it becomes very glossy, only peacock herl attracts the fish better.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and some #14's with a lots of bugger feathers.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $60






Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $60  

Brown & Olive

Here's the same olive but with a saddle that will tie more 14's.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's, and some #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $60







dry fly hackleSolid Colors / Half Capes & Saddle Sets

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.



Grade #1

Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Natural black

Many tiers prefer natural black to dyed. Here's a nice set.


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $45  

Natural Black

Many tiers prefer natural black to dyed. Here's a nice set.



Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's and a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $55  

Dyed Black

Look how this one just shines, perfect for ant and beatle patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's and a few #16's and a few #318's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $55







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $55  

Dyed Black

Look how this one just shines, perfect for ant and beatle patterns.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's and a few #16's and a few #12's.

Feathers as long as 14 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $55







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $55  

Dyed Black

This season white is the color that is flying off the shelves. Hard to keep it in stock.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly 14's and 16's.

Feathers as long as 13 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $55







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $55  


This season white is the color that is flying off the shelves. Hard to keep it in stock.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $55







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $50  

Pale Olive

This is Whiting's shade of pale olive. Give it a try!


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $50







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $50  


Olive is a color that seems to never go out of demand. I sell a whole lot of it.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $50







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $50  


Olive is a color that seems to never go out of demand. I sell a whole lot of it.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $50







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $50  

Olive Splash

Olive is a color that seems to never go out of demand. I sell a whole lot of it.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's with some #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $50








Grade #2

Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Dyed Black

Dyed black is probably our biggest seller right behind grizzly and brown.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Dyed Black

Dyed black is probably our biggest seller right behind grizzly and brown.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Natural Black

Many tiers prefer natural black to dyed. Here's a nice set.



Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $45







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 - SOLD $40  


This season white is the color that is flying off the shelves. Hard to keep it in stock.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $40







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $50  


This season white is the color that is flying off the shelves. Hard to keep it in stock.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $50







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #2 $45  

Pale Olive

This is Whiting's shade of pale olive. Give it a try!



Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $45







dry fly hackleBadgers

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.



Grade #1

Catskill Classic / Grade # 1 $125  

Cream Badger

As you can see in the picture, this set is a perfect cream badger. The saddle is full and nice color.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and #14's.

Feather length: 15 to 17 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $115



Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Dun Speckled Badger

Super full saddle on this one and long feathers!


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's with a few smaller.

Feather length: as long as 13 to 15 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125



Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $95  

Golden Speckled Badger

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's, and #12's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $95.00



Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Dun Speckled badger

Now this one is a beauty! Incredable feather count on the saddle and a great color you don't see very often.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's with a few smaller.

Feather length: 8 to 12 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 - SOLD $105  

Golden Badger

Now this one is a beauty! Incredable feather count on the saddle and a great color you don't see very often.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's with a few smaller.

Feather length: 8 to 12 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $105







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $175  

Golden Speckled Badger

You don't see many true golden speckled badger, most are cream. Now this one is a beauty!

Incredable feather count on the saddle and a great color you don't see very often.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly 16's and 18's with a 20's.

Feather length: 9 to 11 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $175







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $125  

Golden Speckled Badger

Now this one is a beauty! Incredable feather count on the saddle and a great color you don't see very often.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's with a few smaller.

Feather length: 8 to 12 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $145  

Golden Speckled Badger

Now this one is a beauty! A very full saddle. Incredable feather count on the saddle and a great color you don't see very often.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #16's and #18's with a few smaller.

Feather length: 9 to 11 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $145







Catskill Classic / Grade #1 $145  

Golden Speckled Badger

Now here's a color you don't see that often, especially in a midge.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 12's, and 14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $145


To check out, click the "view cart" button







Grade #2


Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $85  

Ginger Dun Badger

Now this one is a beauty! Incredable feather count on the saddle and a great color you don't see very often.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's with a few smaller.

Feather length: 12 to 14 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $85







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Cream Badger

Long feathers on this one! And look at the length of the saddle.

Not the best feather count, but great color.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's with a few smaller.

Feather length: 17 to 19 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $95  

Cream Speckled Badger

Now this one is a beauty! Incredable feather count on the saddle and a great color you don't see very often.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's with a few smaller.

Feather length: as long as 13 to 15 inches, with a lot 8 to 10 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $95







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Dun Speckled Badger

Now this one is a beauty! Incredable feather count on the saddle and a great color you don't see very often.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's with a few smaller.

Feather length: 7 to 9 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Dark Speckled Badger

Now this one is a beauty! Incredable feather count on the saddle and a great color you don't see very often.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #10's and #12's with a few smaller.

Feather length: 8 to 10 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Catskill Classic / Grade #2 $75  

Golden Speckled Badger

Now this one is a beauty! Incredable feather count on the saddle and a great color you don't see very often.


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.

Feather length: 8 to 10 inches.


And as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $75







Half Cape & Saddle Sets - Grade #1

Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $60  

Cream Badger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #12's, lots of #14's, and a few #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $60







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $75  

Golden Badger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #16's and #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $75







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $75  

Golden Badger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #16's and #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $75







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $75  

Golden Speckled Badger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $75







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $50  

Golden Badger

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $50







Catskill 1/2 Set / Grade #1 $60  

Golden Speckled

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle are mostly #14's with a few #12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill 1/2 Set/ $60








dry fly hackleVariants

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.


Catskill Classic / Variant $195  

Dun Cree

This is a deep rich dun cree that is unique in how rich the brown and ginger is in the patterning..


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 12's, and 14's and a few smaller.

Feather Length as long as 7 to 9 inches.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $195



Catskill Classic / Variant - Large Sizes!



This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's, and #12's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $425



Catskill Classic / Variant


Dark Cree

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and #14's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $325



Catskill Classic / Variant


Dark Cree

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and #14's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $325



Catskill Classic / Variant


Cree Variant

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's, and #16's and a few larger.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $275



Catskill Classic / Variant $115  

Light Cree

This is a deep rich natural natural dun cree that is mostly a collectors item.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and #14's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $145



Catskill Classic / Variant $275  


This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's, and #14's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $295



Catskill Classic / Variant $125  

Mottled Grey Dun

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's, and #16's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125



Catskill Classic / Variant $125  

Barred Dun Variant

After a long winter, trout season is open and one of the flies you don't want to


Hook sizes on the saddle range from #14's, lots of #16's, and a few #10's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo/ $125







Catskill Classic / Variant $195  

Dark Cree

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #16's, and #18's and a few smaller.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $195



Catskill Classic / Variant $115  

Dun Cree

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $115



Catskill Classic / Variant $95  

Ginger Variant

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125



Catskill Classic / Variant $145  

Barred Variant

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 14 and 16's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $145



Catskill Classic / Variant $125  

Barred Ginger Variant

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 12 and 14's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125



Catskill Classic / Variant $125  

Barred Blue Dun Variant

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's, #16's and a few #18's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $125



Catskill Classic / Variant $145  

Barred Grey Dun Variant

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $145



Catskill Classic / Variant $115  

Barred Dun Variant

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly 10's, and 12's.


***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $115



Catskill Classic / Variant $75  


Little bit of everything going on with this one!.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #10's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75



Half Cape & Saddle Sets - Grade #1

Catskill Classic / Variant $145  


This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $145



Catskill Classic / Variant $145  


This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #14's and #16's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $145



Catskill Classic / Variant $75  

Light Dun Cree Variant

This is a deep rich natural brown that is called for in more patterns than I can possibly list here.


Hook sizes on this saddle are mostly #12's and #14's.



***This is the exact set you will receive, and as always, FREE SHIPPING



Catskill Combo / $75





dry fly hackleSpade Hackle

Long stiff fibers perfect for tailing on all your dry fly patterns. The natural colors are what you're looking for to give your fly that buggy appearance. Why use synthetics when the real thing is right here!




Spade Hackle $5.75  

Grade #1

Perfect for tails on your dry flies, these long stiff barbs come from the shoulders of the roosters


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!



Catskill Spade Hackle / $5.75

To order, select a color;






Catskill Spade Hackle 15 Color Set / $65






dry fly hackleWinger Capes

Long stiff fibers perfect for tailing on all your dry fly patterns. The natural colors are what you're looking for to give your fly that buggy appearance. Why use synthetics when the real thing is right here!



Grizzly Winger Capes $30  

Grade #1

This line has been selected for the nice round tips and webby feather that has been missing in the Whiting line.

The perfect silhouette for all your catskill patterns.

From larger sizes to the very smallest on the top of the capes, these capes have feathers that will tye down into the 20's.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!



Catskill Combo / $30



Brassy Dun Winger Capes $30  

Grade #1

This line has been selected for the nice round tips and webby feather that has been missing in the Whiting line.

The perfect silhouette for all your catskill patterns.

From larger sizes to the very smallest on the top of the capes, these capes have feathers that will tye down into the 20's.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!



Catskill Combo / $30.00



Dun Winger Capes $30  

Grade #1

This line has been selected for the nice round tips and webby feather that has been missing in the Whiting line.

The perfect silhouette for all your catskill patterns.

From larger sizes to the very smallest on the top of the capes, these capes have feathers that will tye down into the 20's.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!



Catskill Combo / $30



Black Winger Capes $30  

Grade #1

This line has been selected for the nice round tips and webby feather that has been missing in the Whiting line.

The perfect silhouette for all your catskill patterns. Want to see your fly on the water, use a black wing!

From larger sizes to the very smallest on the top of the capes, these capes have feathers that will tye down into the 20's.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!



Catskill Combo / $30






dry fly hackleHen - Natural & dyed Colors

This is the Hoffman line that Dr. Whiting has been working with since the late 80's. Henry Hoffman developed this line, primarily working with grizzly and white birds. Today there are more colors and the line is the industry standard.



Grizzly Hen Set $45  

Grade #1

Beautiful grizzly soft hackle. Larger sizes on the saddle and everyting from the smallest on the capes.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!


Catskill Combo / $45



Dyed Brown Hen Set $45  

Grade #1

Beautiful dyed brown soft hackle. Larger sizes on the saddle and everyting from the smallest on the capes.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!


Catskill Combo / $45



Grey Dun Hen Set $45  

Grade #1

Beautiful grey dun soft hackle. Larger sizes on the saddle and everyting from the smallest on the capes.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!


Catskill Combo / $45



Brown Dun Hen Set $45  

Grade #1

Beautiful brown dun soft hackle. Larger sizes on the saddle and everyting from the smallest on the capes.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!


Catskill Combo / $45



Ginger Hen Set $45  

Grade #1

Beautiful natural ginger soft hackle. Larger sizes on the saddle and everyting from the smallest on the capes.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!



Catskill Combo / $45



Grizzly dyed Olive Hen Set $45  

Grade #1

Beautiful natural black soft hackle. Larger sizes on the saddle and everyting from the smallest on the capes.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!


Catskill Combo / $45



Grizzly dyed Brown Hen Set $45  

Grade #1

Grizzly dyed brown soft hackle. Larger sizes on the saddle and everyting from the smallest on the capes.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!


Catskill Combo / $45



Dark Brown Dun Hen Set $45  

Grade #1

Beautiful dark brown dun soft hackle. Larger sizes on the saddle and everyting from the smallest on the capes.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!


Catskill Combo / $45



White Hen Set $45  

Grade #1

Beautiful natural soft hackle in white. Larger sizes on the saddle and everyting from the smallest on the capes.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!


Catskill Combo / $45



Natural Black Hen Set $45  

Grade #1

Beautiful natural black soft hackle. Larger sizes on the saddle and everyting from the smallest on the capes.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!



Catskill Combo / $45



Light Grey Dun Hen Set $45  

Grade #1

Beautiful natural light grey dun soft hackle. Larger sizes on the saddle and everyting from the smallest on the capes.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $45!


Catskill Combo / $45





dry fly hackleFreshwater Streamer & Bugger Sets

The capes are the perfect freshwater streamer feather! This line has been selected for nice clear barring, rounded tips, web, and just the right length for your favorite medium to smaller patterns.

The saddles feathers are niced for both stramers and bugger patterns, Nice shape, lenght, and barring. The stems are flexable and easy to palmer.

Grizzly $45  

Grade #1

As you can see in the picture, the feathers are perfect for freshwater streamer and bugger patterns.

Only available in grizzly at the moment, hope to have more colors in the future.


***And as always, FREE SHIPPING


Catskill Combo / $45





dry fly hackleBugger Hackle

This line goes back to the days where only the capes were dry fly. The saddles were soft. Dr Whiting has bred full hackle saddles into this line, but even today, many of the roosters still have these nice saddles.

These soft hackle rooster saddles feathers are perfect bugger patterns, Nice long feathers with soft barbs, lots of webbing to give your fly movement in the water. The stems are flexable and easy to palmer. Lots of colors to choose from, Take a look!


1/2 Saddles

Bugger Saddles! $25  
Indian Cock Neck

The perfect bugger feather!

Finding just the right feather for your favorite bugger pattern is no easy task. Whiting bugger packs are too stiff for anything but fast water. Hen capes are soft but the stems are short. These 1/2 saddles have both stiff and soft webby fibers and as you can see in the picture, the feathers are nice and long - 5 to 7 and up to 9 inches long!

***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!

Whiting Bugger 1/2 Saddle -$25

To order, choose a color





Full Saddles

Catskill Classic / Bugger Saddle $45  


Long soft saddle hackle perfect for all your bugger patterns!


***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!



Catskill Bugger Saddle / $45



Catskill Classic / Bugger Saddle $45  

Natural Brown

Long soft saddle hackle perfect for all your bugger patterns!


***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!



Catskill Bugger Saddle / $45



Catskill Classic / Bugger Saddle $45  


Long soft saddle hackle perfect for all your bugger patterns!


***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!



Catskill Bugger Saddle / $45



Catskill Classic / Bugger Saddle $35  

Dyed Black

Long soft saddle hackle perfect for all your bugger patterns!


***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!



Catskill Bugger Saddle / $35



Catskill Classic / Bugger Saddle $45  


Long soft saddle hackle perfect for all your bugger patterns!


***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!



Catskill Bugger Saddle / $45



Catskill Classic / Bugger Saddle $55  


Long soft saddle hackle perfect for all your bugger patterns!


***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!



Catskill Bugger Saddle / $55



Catskill Classic / Bugger Saddle $45  

Dyed Brown

Long soft saddle hackle perfect for all your bugger patterns!


***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!



Catskill Bugger Saddle / $45



Catskill Classic / Bugger Saddle $45  


Long soft saddle hackle perfect for all your bugger patterns!


***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!



Catskill Bugger Saddle / $45




High Grade Bugger Saddles

Catskill Classic / Bugger Saddle $60  


Long soft saddle hackle perfect for all your bugger patterns!


***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!



Catskill Bugger Saddle / $60



Catskill Classic / Bugger Saddle $55  


Long soft saddle hackle perfect for all your bugger patterns!


***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!



Catskill Bugger Saddle / $55



Catskill Classic / Bugger Saddle $55  

Dark Olive

Long soft saddle hackle perfect for all your bugger patterns!


***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!



Catskill Bugger Saddle / $55



Catskill Classic / Bugger Saddle $50  

Dyed Black

Long soft saddle hackle perfect for all your bugger patterns!


***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!



Catskill Bugger Saddle / $50



Catskill Classic / Bugger Saddle $60  


Long soft saddle hackle perfect for all your bugger patterns!


***And as always, on orders over $45 - FREE SHIPPING!



Catskill Bugger Saddle / $60



****If you're looking for a color not listed here, please contact me and I'll be glad to get you one and send you some pictures. David 608-332-4220


And more to come!!!










Whiting Dry Fly Feather Lines

- Links -


<dry fly hackle>


whiting hen hackle


whiting american hackle


whiting american hackle


whiting american hackle




The 5 Core Colors








Medium Blue Dun










- Links -


Must have feathers for
tying Dry Fly patterns





Whiting Dry Fly Capes


Whiting Hackle

100 Packs


Cape Tops


Darbee Duns






Coq de Leon Tailing Packs


Spade Hackle


Golden Pheasant Tippets




Mayfly Winger Feathers


Winger Patches

webby feathers with nice round tips


Lemon Wood Duck

Turkey Flats

perfect flat edges for wing posts



Duck Quills



Duck Bellie



Body Hackle


Rhode Island Red Quill Body Capes


Peacock Herl



Tying Bench





Whiting Dry Fly Saddles




Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Grizzly Dyed Dark Brown









Medium Blue Dun



Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Grizzly Dyed Dark Brown









Medium Blue Dun



Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Grizzly Dyed Dark Brown









Medium Blue Dun



Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Whiting Dry Fly Feather Lines

- Links -


<dry fly hackle>


whiting hen hackle


whiting american hackle


whiting american hackle


whiting american hackle




The 5 Core Colors








Medium Blue Dun










- Links -


Must have feathers for
tying Dry Fly patterns





Whiting Dry Fly Capes


Whiting Hackle

100 Packs


Cape Tops


Darbee Duns






Coq de Leon Tailing Packs


Spade Hackle


Golden Pheasant Tippets




Mayfly Winger Feathers


Winger Patches

webby feathers with nice round tips


Lemon Wood Duck

Turkey Flats

perfect flat edges for wing posts



Duck Quills



Duck Bellie



Body Hackle


Rhode Island Red Quill Body Capes


Peacock Herl



Tying Bench





Whiting Dry Fly Saddles




Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive





Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Grizzly Dyed Dark Brown









Medium Blue Dun


Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light







- Links -


Must have feathers for
tying Dry Fly patterns





Whiting Dry Fly Capes


Whiting Hackle

100 Packs


Cape Tops


Darbee Duns






Coq de Leon Tailing Packs


Spade Hackle


Golden Pheasant Tippets




Mayfly Winger Feathers


Winger Patches

webby feathers with nice round tips


Lemon Wood Duck

Turkey Flats

perfect flat edges for wing posts



Duck Quills



Duck Bellie



Body Hackle


Rhode Island Red Quill Body Capes


Peacock Herl



Tying Bench





Whiting Dry Fly Saddles




Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown




The 5 Core Colors








Medium Blue Dun










- Links -


Must have feathers for
tying Dry Fly patterns





Whiting Dry Fly Capes


Whiting Hackle

100 Packs


Cape Tops


Darbee Duns






Coq de Leon Tailing Packs


Spade Hackle


Golden Pheasant Tippets




Mayfly Winger Feathers


Winger Patches

webby feathers with nice round tips


Lemon Wood Duck

Turkey Flats

perfect flat edges for wing posts



Duck Quills



Duck Bellie



Body Hackle


Rhode Island Red Quill Body Capes


Peacock Herl



Tying Bench





Whiting Dry Fly Saddles




Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Grizzly Dyed Dark Brown









Medium Blue Dun



Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Grizzly Dyed Dark Brown









Medium Blue Dun



Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Grizzly Dyed Dark Brown









Medium Blue Dun



Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Whiting Dry Fly Feather Lines

- Links -


<dry fly hackle>


whiting hen hackle


whiting american hackle


whiting american hackle


whiting american hackle




The 5 Core Colors








Medium Blue Dun










- Links -


Must have feathers for
tying Dry Fly patterns





Whiting Dry Fly Capes


Whiting Hackle

100 Packs


Cape Tops


Darbee Duns






Coq de Leon Tailing Packs


Spade Hackle


Golden Pheasant Tippets




Mayfly Winger Feathers


Winger Patches

webby feathers with nice round tips


Lemon Wood Duck

Turkey Flats

perfect flat edges for wing posts



Duck Quills



Duck Bellie



Body Hackle


Rhode Island Red Quill Body Capes


Peacock Herl



Tying Bench





The 5 Core Colors








Medium Blue Dun










- Links -


Must have feathers for
tying Dry Fly patterns





Whiting Dry Fly Capes


Whiting Hackle

100 Packs


Cape Tops


Darbee Duns






Coq de Leon Tailing Packs


Spade Hackle


Golden Pheasant Tippets




Mayfly Winger Feathers


Winger Patches

webby feathers with nice round tips


Lemon Wood Duck

Turkey Flats

perfect flat edges for wing posts



Duck Quills



Duck Bellie



Body Hackle


Rhode Island Red Quill Body Capes


Peacock Herl



Tying Bench





Whiting Dry Fly Saddles




Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Grizzly Dyed Dark Brown









Medium Blue Dun



Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Grizzly Dyed Dark Brown









Medium Blue Dun



Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Grizzly Dyed Dark Brown









Medium Blue Dun



Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Whiting Dry Fly Feather Lines

- Links -


<dry fly hackle>


whiting hen hackle


whiting american hackle


whiting american hackle


whiting american hackle




The 5 Core Colors








Medium Blue Dun










- Links -


Must have feathers for
tying Dry Fly patterns





Whiting Dry Fly Capes


Whiting Hackle

100 Packs


Cape Tops


Darbee Duns






Coq de Leon Tailing Packs


Spade Hackle


Golden Pheasant Tippets




Mayfly Winger Feathers


Winger Patches

webby feathers with nice round tips


Lemon Wood Duck

Turkey Flats

perfect flat edges for wing posts



Duck Quills



Duck Bellie



Body Hackle


Rhode Island Red Quill Body Capes


Peacock Herl



Tying Bench





The 5 Core Colors








Medium Blue Dun










- Links -


Must have feathers for
tying Dry Fly patterns





Whiting Dry Fly Capes


Whiting Hackle

100 Packs


Cape Tops


Darbee Duns






Coq de Leon Tailing Packs


Spade Hackle


Golden Pheasant Tippets




Mayfly Winger Feathers


Winger Patches

webby feathers with nice round tips


Lemon Wood Duck

Turkey Flats

perfect flat edges for wing posts



Duck Quills



Duck Bellie



Body Hackle


Rhode Island Red Quill Body Capes


Peacock Herl



Tying Bench





Whiting Dry Fly Saddles




Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Grizzly Dyed Dark Brown









Medium Blue Dun



Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Grizzly Dyed Dark Brown









Medium Blue Dun



Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Grizzly Dyed Ginger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Variant - Dark



Grizzly Dyed Red





Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Barred Ginger



Medium Blue Dun



Speckled Badger



Grizzly Variant - Light



Grizzly Dyed March Brown



Grizzly Dyed Dark Brown









Medium Blue Dun



Grizzly dyed Burnt Orange



Copper Olive



Natural Brown








Barred Ginger

Golden Badger




Whiting Dry Fly Feather Lines

- Links -


<dry fly hackle>


whiting hen hackle


whiting american hackle


whiting american hackle


whiting american hackle




The 5 Core Colors








Medium Blue Dun










- Links -


Must have feathers for
tying Dry Fly patterns





Whiting Dry Fly Capes


Whiting Hackle

100 Packs


Cape Tops


Darbee Duns






Coq de Leon Tailing Packs


Spade Hackle


Golden Pheasant Tippets




Mayfly Winger Feathers


Winger Patches

webby feathers with nice round tips


Lemon Wood Duck

Turkey Flats

perfect flat edges for wing posts



Duck Quills



Duck Bellie



Body Hackle


Rhode Island Red Quill Body Capes


Peacock Herl



Tying Bench