Feather Lines; Whiting | Metz | Keough | Ewing | Collins | Darbee | RIR | Indian Necks | CDL | Bugger | Muskie | Variants
<fly tying feathers>

Feathers for tying Steelhead Flies

Without question, the greatest selection of feathers for fly tying that you will find anywhere.

From the highest quality Whiting Farms hackle - you'll find nothing better for tying any dry fly, soft hackle, or streamer patterns...

To unbelievably beautiful exotic feathers - from which Paul Smookler

Hackle for tying Steelhead Flies

Spey fly patterns such as the Lady Caroline first developed along the River Spey. They displayed a charactor all their own. The hackling was unique, they used a spey cock side tail or a long heron hackle and the wings were tied from Mallard shoulder.

Later, the Dee-style of tying combined a wing with long hook, slim body, and long heon hackles. However, it is not only the wing that set these two styles apart, the complexity of the patterns begin to move in the direction of the Victorian era Full Dressed Salmon flies.


Dyed Blue Eared

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.

Jungle Cock

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention

Pheasant Rump

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.

Dyed Guinea

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention

Teal Flank

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.

Spey Capes

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention

Steelhead Rooster Capes

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention


Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.

Dyed Mallard Flank

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention

Dyed Lady Amherst

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.

Gadwall Flank

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention


Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.


Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention



Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention





Hackle for tying Full Dressed Salmon Flies

Full Dressed Salmon Flies

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention

Saltwater Capes & Saddles

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.

Winger Capes

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention

Dry Fly Capes & Saddles

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.

Winger Capes

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention

Saltwater Capes & Saddles

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.

Winger Capes

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention

Dry Fly Capes & Saddles

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.

Winger Capes

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention

Accenting Feathers

Jungle Cock

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.


Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention


Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.

Indian Crow

Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.


Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention


Fly Fishing show season is just around the corner! As with every year, I will have the same wide selection, plenty to pick through, and off course, a few new offerings to grab your attention.



Just in!

I'm always finding new and interesting feathers to add to this site. You can check here to see what new on from week to week. And if there is something that you're looking for and have yet to find, please give me a call and I'll try and track it down for you!


Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est arcu, commodo sit amet convallis tincidunt, aliquet quis quam. Integer mattis massa in turpis malesuada a blandit risus posuere. Vestibulum euismod tortor eu leo rhoncus venenatis. Nam arcu ipsum, rhoncus in varius a, elementum nec diam.





Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est arcu, commodo sit amet convallis tincidunt, aliquet quis quam. Integer mattis massa in turpis malesuada a blandit risus posuere. Vestibulum euismod tortor eu leo rhoncus venenatis. Nam arcu ipsum, rhoncus in varius a, elementum nec diam.






Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est arcu, commodo sit amet convallis tincidunt, aliquet quis quam. Integer mattis massa in turpis malesuada a blandit risus posuere. Vestibulum euismod tortor eu leo rhoncus venenatis. Nam arcu ipsum, rhoncus in varius a, elementum nec diam.





Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est arcu, commodo sit amet convallis tincidunt, aliquet quis quam. Integer mattis massa in turpis malesuada a blandit risus posuere. Vestibulum euismod tortor eu leo rhoncus venenatis. Nam arcu ipsum, rhoncus in varius a, elementum nec diam.


Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est arcu, commodo sit amet convallis tincidunt, aliquet quis quam. Integer mattis massa in turpis malesuada a blandit risus posuere. Vestibulum euismod tortor eu leo rhoncus venenatis. Nam arcu ipsum, rhoncus in varius a, elementum nec diam.


Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est arcu, commodo sit amet convallis tincidunt, aliquet quis quam. Integer mattis massa in turpis malesuada a blandit risus posuere. Vestibulum euismod tortor eu leo rhoncus venenatis. Nam arcu ipsum, rhoncus in varius a, elementum nec diam.





*Return Policy - If you receive your order and are not happy with it in some way, please contact me. There are absolutely not returns on fashion feathers sold on full or half saddles.

This is because a few have ordered saddles and after receiving them, plucked feathers and then returned them wanting a full refund. We can not count each feather on every saddle we sell, so there is no other way to deal this problem.

If you have ordered loose feathers such as feather bundles and not happy for some reason, please contact me immediatly and I will resolve the problem. I, in no way, want you to be unhappy with feathers you purchase from me.

Thanks, David 608-332-4220




If you'd like to place an order, the best way is to e-mail me a list. If you don't see just the exact color of something you're looking for, or you're just about out of a hard to find color, please ask. Chances are I have one and I'd be glad to email you some pictures.

Soon I hope to have a simple version of a shopping cart, but first I'd like to get most items listed on the site. I'm the only one putting orders together so if you have any special requests I'm glad to help. All orders will be shipped within 24 hours.

Thanks for visiting my site and if you have any questions please call.







Jock Scott

<Whiting Farms American Rooster Saddles>

the perfect feather for saltwater and streamer patterns


<fly tying feathers>

Show Day

<coq de leon rooster hackle>

Coq de Leon

<feathers for fly tying>

Adams dry fly

<Dry fly Capes>

Dry Fly Capes

<eurasion jay feathers>

European Jay

<dry fly hackle>


Shooting Star

<chuck furimski>

Chuck Furimski shops only the best!

<soft hackle hen capes>

Soft Hackle Hen Capes

Caddis Fly

<fly fishing show>


<flat wing fly saddles>

Flat Wing Fly Saddles

<silver pheasant feathers>

True Silver Pheasant

<red grouse feathers>

Red Grouse


<amgold pheasant tail feathers>

AmGold Tails

Malay Crestless Fireback

<schleopen feather>

<java green peacock feathers>

Jave Green Peacock

<tiger heron feather>

Tiger Heron

<Ocelated turkey feathers>

Ocelated Turkey

<germains peacock pheasant feathers>

Germain's Peacock Pheasant

<Whiting American Saddles>

Saltwater Saddles

<toucan fethers>

Ariel Toucan

<cotinga feathers>


<kingfisher feathers>

White Breasted Kingfisher

<junglecock feathers>

Red Junglefowl

<tragopan feathers>

Temmink's Hen

<soft hackle feathers>

<rhea feathers>

rhea - golden olive

<American shoveler feathers>

The fin