Feather Care
Caring for your new feathers couldn't be easier! Whiting Fashion Feathers are the highest quality feathers on the market. Properly cared for, they will retain their brilliant color and can be worn in your hair months
When you receive them I recomend that you hold them over steam from a tea kettle. Hold them as close to the steam as you can. This will straighten them out and fluff up the fibers after being flattened during shipping.
The steam realigns the protiens in the feathers and works better than trying to use a flat iron. So if you curl them and looking for a new style, this works like a charm!
Steaming your feathers over the stove is the best way to staighten them and get looking like new. It only takes a few min and you will be amazed with the results. Get the steam as hot as you can watch them straighten right out!
Thank you for your order! Your feathers will be shipped within 24 hours through the United States Post Office and I will email you a tracking number. If you need the feathers right away, please contact me and I can ship it express. We can also ship FedEx if you'd like, any questions, please give me a call.
Tools and Beads for Feather Hair Extensions
*Return Policy - If you receive your order and are not happy with it in some way, please contact me. There are absolutely not returns on fashion feathers sold on full or half saddles. Any returns will be charged a 15% restocking charge.
This is because a few have ordered saddles and after receiving them, plucked feathers and then returned them wanting a full refund. We can not count each feather on every saddle we sell, so there is no other way to deal this problem.
If you have ordered loose feathers such as feather bundles and not happy for some reason, please contact me immediatly and I will resolve the problem. I, in no way, want you to be unhappy with feathers you purchase from me.
Thanks, David 608-332-4220
For express shipping please call!
Coq-tails 15"- 21"
These are just in, you can find them under the Steven Tyler Fat feathers
Full Saddles
starting today, we are offering 3 grades of full saddles!
Add our stylist tool kit and 75 beads to your starter kit for just $35!
We carry 3 shades of the finest silicone beads
25 beads - $7.50
Be sure and check out our layered feather extensions!
Take a look at these!!!
Feather Braiders
check out the amazing color and size selection
fat feathers 9" - 13"
dark barred ginger
grizzly variant
chartruese laced hen
hot pink dyed on badger
black lace hen dyed chartruese
Java Peacock
cree hackle - the ultimte variant
Mandarin Flanks
grizzly variant
Designer peacock eyes
Feather size
The feathers on these saddles are well marked and just the right width.
Argus pheasant
amherst - dyed black
Black laced layered extensions
purple laced hen
Barred Ginger Saddle
designer peafowl
Great Argus secondary
Impeyan hen